Launch event: feedback
A promising day!

The launch event of Forland took place on 12 March in Pavillon Indochine in Nogent-sur-Marne, and was attended by 42 participants from 27 organisations.
In their opening sessions, Mr Philippe Deletain (Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Policy Officer “Forests, Biodiversity, Wetlands”) presented the French strategy to combat imported deforestation. Mr Plinio Sist (CIRAD – Director of Research Unit “Forests and Societies”) gave an overview of the forest landscape restoration issues.
ONFI team presented achievements as part of Forland and future perspectives. It was also an opportunity to make a demonstration of the platform and explain at length how the stakeholder engagement is implemented.
After lunch, three pilot sites were presented in detail: Guaviare region (Colombia), Cotriguaçu municipality (Brazil) and Loch Sunart (Scotland). This variety in the modes of application illustrated how Forland can answer different needs from various stakeholders.
A world café was then proposed to collectively discuss and report on five themes:
- The role of private actors in landscape approaches – Ms Raphaële Deau, Market advisor, Landscape finance lab
- Is the landscape approach relevant for the implementation of a carbon-neutral strategy? – Ms Julia GRIMAULT, Project manager agriculture and forests, Institute for Climate Economics
- How will new technologies contribute to landscape management, and the risks they entail? – Mr Christophe DU CASTEL, Head of forests and biodiversity, Agence française de développement
- What is at stake behind stakeholder engagement in the landscape approach? – Mr Nicolas CHENET – Director of the sustainable development department, Expertise France
- How to move from forest concession certification to a landscape restoration approach? – Mr Benoît JOBBE DUVAL, Director, Association technique internationale des bois tropicaux
A dedicated article will report on the world café, to be published soon.
To close the day, all participants were invited to a cocktail.
Thank you all for coming and we look forward to working with you soon !